doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


Decolgen and Living in the Present -- Three days of medical leave in my little Shangrila conjured up three very important life lessons that I couldn’t have known about if I was well and creating havoc at the office. First life lesson is that -- Decolgen works! Yes, it really does… and no, I’m not being paid to say this. I took a tablet every 8 hours since yesterday noon time, and by today, all the sneezing and runny nose were gone. I still got the nasty cough but I think in no time, this mighty drug is going to kick that off my system too! Second life lesson – Thank God for really good friends! Doc J checked-in (through the powers of SMS) since Day 1; and dropped by to hand-over these wonderful, wonderful blue pills: Extra Strength Tylenol-pm! I slept very well last night…Whoa! The drug kept the coughing in control! It’s amazing! Third life lesson – live in the present. These past three days had been dreadful, because I’ve been sick and all, but it also gave me the opportunity to just be… be here, be myself, be aware of what a drug does to my system; to stop, stop thinking about what’s going on at work, stop thinking about what is going to be my future; to just enjoy the now… enjoy the happiness that a phone call can bring…and just be grateful to God for giving me the emotional cure so I can truly enjoy KD Lang’s music once again… Ah… such is life. I thought I would never get off that cloud. Samwise Gamgee was right on when he said: “Even darkness too must pass”. Yeah, it had to take a bad case of flu and 3 days of medical leave for me to learn these important life lessons. At least I didn’t have to leave town to throw an evil ring to a volcanic pit like some other folks...