doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


Really neat improvement here by Blogger. I like the new look... and this capability to change date and time is very, very nice! Well, I am writing because I want to tell you about this decision that I have recently made. I am selling "Woody". I know, I know... it's sad. I had become quite used to having him around... can't really imagine being without him. But I have to make this painful decision. He is just too costly to maintain. He has to go... :( The good part is, he is going to the old owner. That's Roy. It was just a buy back deal. Good for me because that means I will be out of debt pretty soon -- and I get to buy a car that is much cheaper to maintain. K-e-w-l... am going to finally live within my means.