doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


MONOGAMY ISSUES. Went home yesterday really disappointed. Just found out that the person that I had started to look-up to is cheating on his wife -- something that has been going on for years. I don't know man -- I just feel that a person cheating on his wife or husband doesn't have good character. That is dishonesty. I was telling Pol & Myra that my key take-away from this shocking bit of info is that -- If God plans for me to get married, I hope he would give me the "faithful" kind. Myra asked me a rather interesting question -- "Who doesn't want a faithful husband?" I pondered on that for a while and thought -- hey, most societies (except probably Islam) expect monogamy in marriage. If most people want that, then why the heck do some people cheat? Is it a case of the-grass-seems-always-greener-on-the-other-side? the mistake of making a hasty decision in picking one's partner? the belief that 1 is good, but more is better? -----Whatever the reason, I think nothing could ever justify cheating. Because cheating hurts people. Moreover, I think if one doesn't have the capacity to be monogamous, then he/she shouldn't be allowed to get married, so nobody would get hurt. The world would probably be a better place if there were less broken souls.


October just closed…2 more months of 2002. Are there things to look forward to? Two things in November: the Harry Potter flick, and the Vincent-Hazel wedding; 3 things in December: Pipol [college friends] X’mas party on the 21st, X’mas Noche Buena with family on the 25th, --- and, well, the 10-years-after-high-school reunion. With that line-up, the rest of the year should be pretty hectic! Without me knowing, 2003 will creep in – and a new cycle begins…it starts with the “Lord of the Rings”, then V-day, then summer, rainy season, birthday, and so on… --- It’s the thought of these life cycles that gets me through the day. Of course sound bits of Aerosmith (1975-89 era), Mr. Joey Ayala & U2 (in A. baby) are also helpful these days.