doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


I read a book that said some stuff about what pre-determination really was. That it was a concept to express affinity to a certain place, event or person. It is not the way most people today believe it to be -- i.e. that our futures are set, that everything was planned out for us. Our futures have to be created, by us. If our futures turn out to be an effect of what occured in the past -- the writer thinks that it's not pre-determination, but causality. [Karyn reads: so this whole deal about 'The One' is bull.] He also maintains that followers of the Tao makes sure that experiences are completely done -- so as to minimize causality -- so that one may look at the future with open eyes. [Karyn reads: closure, so the dead won't haunt you] I guess this pretty much answers one of my life's questions. So today, March 16, 2003, that chapter of my life is completely sealed. For good.

Last night I watched this movie ''Buying the Cow." I rented it out from Video City because one of the cast is Mr. Ron Livingston -- and I have this belief that Mr. Ron doesn't cast himself into a substandard flick. And man, it was hilarious! It didn't really have a fresh plot --- it has this 'Serendipity' -type of flavor to it. But the way they did it was too funny to discard it as just one-of-dem types. This Mike dude, who was just a secondary character stole the show! I was laughing so loud my neighbors probably thought I had lost it. Anyway, I can't give you more description than that. Go rent it out. Go! For 15 pesos at Video City, it is definitely sulit!