doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


Garbage rocks! I am forever grateful to my friend Grant, who shared with me a free ticket to go see the band's concert in Mesa (Phoenix, AZ)! It was a great show! The concert place wasn't too crowded, people weren't rowdy, and there was actually ample space for us to move about & dance! They did most of the songs that I really like... 'Supervixen' and 'Milk' were superbly done--- they were unprepared to do 'Queer' though, but what the heck, it was forgivable. I had a great time. It was surreal.


I never would want to hurt a fly... more so a grown person. But sometimes, no matter how careful I am about emotions, I slip. If only I can just shrug it off and just say, "That'll happen", --as one of my good friends would always say-- but I can't. I would carry it on my shoulder, lose sleep over it, get pimples (ok, more pimples) because of it...y'know, standard reaction. I know that the medicine prescribed for these kind of ailment would be forgiveness, punching away discomfort, and of course, good old laughter. If only I could get these from a drug store... sorry na po... :(


driving in san diego is way too crazy! you can't go anywhere without passing through a highway -- and man, everyone behind the wheel is a speed junkie -- the speedlimit is 70mph but everybody is doing 80-up! katakot men.... was there in san diego to see my cousin graduate at SDSU. pretty interesting grad rites there... cousin karyn was oh so proud!!! galing ng pinsan ko! hayup!