doodles, ideas, anything bright & dull

a repository of all the clutter in my mind


These days have been pretty weird. Weird in a sense that my actions have been mostly driven out of my emotions rather than my head. I go to the office and the first thing that I ask myself is -- "O-kay, what do I feel like doing today?" Rather than the usual -- "What do I have to do today?" It's an interesting development really for someone who was once accused of being incapable to recognize emotions. The only problem is, deadlines keep on slipping (well, my own deadlines) and I had become more interested in getting a good match in badminton (which generates a certain high that may be similar to what a junkie might get with a good MJ stick), rather than getting a fairly reasonable capital spending target for the Flash factory in 2003. Where did all my good sense go? Am I in-love? Or is this just another mood swing that goes with the monthly cycle? Tsk, tsk, tsk... I better get back on track.


new year... new start... cool...